Otto's off on another adventure of his own design. He and Mort are camping out waiting for The Hobbit movie to start. Nevermind that it's a long wait. He wants to be the first to get his ticket. He is even keeping a blog of his experience waiting for this epic movie. I've packed him some sandwiches and juice, but at this point I'm not sure if John and I are prepared to make the daily trips down to the theater to replenish his supplies. Perhaps he'll do some farming in the median. The growing season has started, after all.
Still, this reminds me of my own experience at his age, camping out for Return of the Jedi. The much-anticipated movie promised to answer all our questions and wrap up the story line. What was going to happen to Han and Leia? Where did Luke fit in? Would Han ever get out of the carbonite? What of Luke's training? Was he a half-Jedi? Would Yoda finish his instruction? All those mysteries I pondered as I camped out with my older sister, waiting to get tickets for the movie.
People didn't plan ahead so much in those days, though, and we only camped out for three days before the movie premiered. Our efforts were rewarded, however, when my sister and I were the first people to get tickets at our theater. The excitement of my pre-teen enthusiasm and crush on Han Solo were completely unaffected by any dose of reality. We watched the movie with wide eyes and loved it. And I loved the Ewoks, I have to admit. Sure, they weren't as hip as Tribbles, but they certainly didn't multiply like them, either.
My sister and I didn't get enough Star Wars to match our long build-up to seeing the movie, so after the movie was over we immediately got tickets to see it again. Our parents dropped some hot soup by to sustain us. I didn't keep a journal like Otto is doing, but that weekend certainly stands out as one of the most memorable of my childhood. I hope Otto has a similar experience! The long wait till be nothing in retrospect! Confusticate and bebother these dwarves!
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