Out of necessity, I've developed a new way to communicate with my husband. He no longer responds to quiet polite comments, or even a shout across the house. I've always been very happy that I didn't have the kind of husband who watches football all day Sunday and ignores the rest of the world. But now I have a husband who has been seemingly irretrievably sucked into the internet. I can stand right next to him and wave my arms, and he is oblivious. It is starting to become problematic.
However! If I send him an email, or message him on Facebook, or even DM him on Twitter, he responds with amazing speed and efficiency. I've taken to carrying my laptop around the house for instant communication.
The only thing it doesn't work for, however, is calling him to dinner. He doesn't want to leave his desk. He must have a stash of food hidden somewhere, because he never seems to be hungry. But there is a silver lining to this issue. His unfortunate absence around the dinner table has allowed me to cook some more unusual dishes that Otto and I like, such as pork, vegetable, and raisin goulash stew! It's great with crusty bread.
hello Jenny Geek!!!!